Spaces of Misunderstandings
Performance, wool, peppers, sunflowers, texile, toilet paper, toilet for camping
The performance “Spaces of Misunderstandings” through music and storytelling, takes its cue from the idea of being women, Italians with Rom*nja backgrounds, who require housing and from different political identities, addressing gender, racial and cultural discrimination in the media and urban (or city/nation) space from feminist and intersectional perspectives and critiques.
Invoking a space that through writing, textiles and objects recalls the idea of a bathroom, the artist reflects on the meaning of nomadic camps, belonging to an ethnic minority, trauma and mental health problems of racialized people, accompanied by remixes of some songs by Pauline Oliveros, Nana Vasconcelos, the Rom*nja anthem sung during a protest in Milan, and part of an oral poem by a Romni (Roma woman) from Czech Slovakia, Tera Fabiánová.
Through storytelling, De Rosa invokes the idea of an in_visible archive, blowing into small bottles that contain only air and suspending them in a curtain made of peppers, as a symbol of keeping evil eyes away.
Photos by: Jana Kießer & @egultekin